Meet the owner
With a distinguished career spanning 15 years in the skilled and Long-term nursing field, Keshia Paniagua is a dedicated professional who has found her calling at the intersection of healthcare and transportation. As a previous Marketing Liaison managing six nursing facilities, she recognized a pressing need for reliable non-emergency medical transport, igniting her passion to create change. Today, she is the visionary founder of K & K Medical Transport, a company driven by a mission to provide compassionate, safe, and reliable transportation from start to finish.
Our Mission
At K & K Medical Transport, our mission is clear: to provide safe, reliable, and compassionate non-emergency medical transportation services to individuals and communities in need. We understand the critical role transportation plays, and our commitment is to be there when you need us the most.

Our Services
We offer a comprehensive range of transportation services. Whether you need transportation to a medical appointment, or safe passage during difficult circumstances, our fleet of well-maintained vehicles and dedicated staff are here to assist you.
Our Commitment
Our commitment goes beyond just providing transportation services. We are dedicated to delivering a sense of security and reliability to our clients and their families. We recognize that in times of transport needs, trust and dependability are paramount.

Your Safety, Our Priority
Your safety is our top priority. Whether you are a patient, a family member, or a healthcare provider, you can rely on us as your trusted partner in transportation. We are here to ensure that you receive the care, attention, and support you need during challenging situations.
We'd love to hear from you.
Thank you for choosing K & K Medical Transport as your transportation provider. We are proud to serve our community and remain committed to delivering the highest standard of service and care.